The Well-being Design Guide workshop will introduce the usage of the design guidelines. Through case studies, participants will understand how to implement well-being concepts using the guidelines.
Registration Method
By Invitation Only
For details on participation methods, please contact
To design an age-friendly environment, particularly for the elderly.To provide environments that cultivate social connections, community engagement, and family bonding.
8 Well-being Concepts
Value-added upstream
To create a favourable environment that enables residents to access social support from service agencies, allowing them to develop their potential and enhance their confidence in upward mobility.
8 Well-being Concepts
Perception & Image
To build a sense of belonging that encourages residents to cherish public facilities and estate environment, cultivating a positive neighbourhood image.
8 Well-being Concepts
Health & Vitality
To create an environment that fosters healthy and active living.
8 Well-being Concepts
Urban Integration
To enhance community mobility and accessibility to transportation networks for urban connectivity.
8 Well-being Concepts
Green Living and Sustainability
To encompass nature, urban green environment and sustainable design.
8 Well-being Concepts
To design an age-friendly environment, particularly for the elderly.
8 Well-being Concepts
Intergenerational & Inclusive Living
To create an inclusive environment to enhance social connections between different ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds.