The Housing Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Hong Kong Housing Authority will host the “WELL • BEING Estate Festival” from 7th to 15th September 2024. The events include symposiums, workshops and a series of recreational and cultural activities in over 30 public housing estates across Hong Kong, such as cycling tours, fun run, community art jamming, guided tours, estate gala and other activities related to the well-being concepts
Public Housing Estate Festival Kick-start
Estate Culture Cycling Tour
Mei Lam Estate and
other estates in the area
Estate Guide Tour
Partnership Participation Fun Day
Various public housing estates and
So Uk Estate
Symposium – Well • Being Design Dialogue I
Well-being Design and Experience
Che Kung Temple Sports Centre
Estate Treasure Hunt
Well-being Design Guide Workshop
Lek Yuen Estate and other estates
Sha Tin Town Hall
Symposium – Well • Being Design Dialogue II
Place-making, Management and Services
Che Kung Temple Sports Centre
Afternoon & Night
Community Service Design Thinking Workshop
Community Gala
Che Kung Temple Sports Centre
Sha Kok Estate
invites local and international experts to explore enhancements to the sense of well-being of public housing residents and to share insights from the Well-being Design Guide, aiming to foster exchanges between different professions and regions.
10:00 – 13:00
Che Kung Temple Sports Centre
Opening Remarks
Ms. HO Wing Yin, Winnie, JP , Secretary for Housing, HKSARG
Well • Being Intent
談 • 幸福 • 初心
Keynote speakers
Prof. Xiu-lian Ma ( Department of Social Governance and Ecological Advancement, National Academy of Governance, People’s Republic of China )
Ms Winnie Ying ( Head of Charities (Youth Development Poverty Alleviation; and Talent Sector Development), The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust )
Prof. Kelvin Wang ( Professor at the School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong )
Well • Being Design
談 • 幸福 • 想像
Keynote speakers
Dr. LI Man Wai, Tim ( Chief Architect, Hong Kong Housing Department )
Partner Co-founder,
G8A Architecture Urban Planning (Switzerland)
Mr. Liu Huiying ( Associate Partner, MAD Architects, Beijing )
Mr. Eric Ho ( Co-founder, Architecture Commons )
10:00 – 13:00
Che Kung Temple Sports Centre
Well • Being Community
談 • 幸福 • 歷程
Keynote speakers
Mr. Ryo Yamazaki ( Studio-L, Japanese Community Design and Landscape Architect )
Ms. Kotchakorn VORAAKHOM,
Founder CEO, Landprocesses (Thailand) Chairlady,
Climate Change Working Group (IFLA)
Mr. Francis Ngai ( Founder Chief Executive Officer, Social Ventures Hong Kong )
Well • Being Management
談 • 幸福 • 實踐
Keynote speakers
Ms. Haroon Hamidah ( Associate Director ( Estate Management ), Housing Department )
Prof. CHIU Lai Har, Rebecca, JP
Honorary Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, The University of Hong Kong
Mr. Jonathan Lee Man-kwong ( President, The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management)
The Hong Kong Institute of Housing
Closing Remarks
Miss LAW Shuk Pui, Rosanna, JP
Permanent Secretary for Housing / Director of Housing, HKSARG
© 2024 All Rights Reserved.
To design an age-friendly environment, particularly for the elderly.To provide environments that cultivate social connections, community engagement, and family bonding.
To create a favourable environment that enables residents to access social support from service agencies, allowing them to develop their potential and enhance their confidence in upward mobility.
To build a sense of belonging that encourages residents to cherish public facilities and estate environment, cultivating a positive neighbourhood image.
To create an environment that fosters healthy and active living.
To enhance community mobility and accessibility to transportation networks for urban connectivity.
To encompass nature, urban green environment and sustainable design.
To design an age-friendly environment, particularly for the elderly.
To create an inclusive environment to enhance social connections between different ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds.