“Let’s Go Well-being Chak On” Design Competition

“Let’s Go Well-being Chak On” is a design competition for an inclusive “Well-being for All” space to be built at Chak On Estate, Sham Shui Po. This space is envisioned as a vibrant, inclusive area that fosters health, vitality, and community engagement for residents of all backgrounds, ages, and genders.

To promote Well-being Design Guide, we aim to engage young designers and students using Chak On Estate as a pilot to explore different well-being opportunities in our public housing estate. These directions will inform the development of the preliminary scope of improvement works.

We invite innovative and thoughtful designs that address these goals and contribute to the well-being of Chak On Estate residents.

The competition will begin open recruitment on January 6.

The two categories of the Competition are Students Category and Emerging Category. There will be one Winner, one 1st Runner-up and Honourable mention for both categories. Chak On residents will also vote for the Resident Most Beloved Award.
The Competition is open for registration now until January 31, 2025. The Competition is having first round and final round, the result will be announced in May – June 2025.

For any inquiries, please complete the inquiry form. We will compile all questions and provide answers in the new FAQ section on January 24.

Categories and Eligibility

Students Category

  • Participation is open to all full-time tertiary students studying design-related disciplines in Hong Kong.
  • Individual and team entries are welcome, with a maximum team size of three members
  • At least one member of the competition must have studied a design-related degree in a Eligible Tertiary Institution in Hong Kong recognized by the competition
  • 18 to 25 years of age by 31 Jan 2025.

Emerging Category

  • All full-time young designers with a maximum of three years of work experience
  • All participants must have working experience in Hong Kong
  • Graduated with a bachelor’s degree
  • Individual and team entries are welcome, with a maximum team size of three members
  • At least one member must be graduated from a relevant degree in design from a Hong Kong Eligible Tertiary Institutions recognised by the Competition or a non-local degree qualification recognised by the relevant institutions
  • 18 to 35 years of age by 31 Jan 2025.

For List of Eligible Tertiary Institutions in Hong Kong with Design-related Degrees and List of Professional Bodies, please refer to the Competition Information Kit.

Key Dates


Competition Announcement


Online Briefing Session



(Close at 23:59)

Competition Enquiries


Responses to enquiries about competition details will be published on the website


(Close at 23:59)

Application Form Submission Deadline


(Close at 23:59)

First Round Submission Deadline

Finalist Round


Design Thinking Workshop & Resident Engagement



Advisor Discussion and Estate Management Views Exchange


(Close at 23:59)

Final Proposal Submission Deadline



(Close at 23:59)

Resident Validation


(Date to be confirmed)

Final Presentation Day

Jury Panel

Shortlisting Jury Panel

The Shortlisting Jury Panel shall select five entries from each category and its compositions are:

  1. Ms. LEUNG Hay Lin, Helen, Chief Architect, Housing Department
  2. Mr Luk Wai-kee, Senior Maintenance Surveyor, Housing Department
  3. Miss TAM Yuen Shan, Dilys, Senior Housing Manager, Housing Department
  4. Mr. Eric HO, Co-founder, Architecture Commons
  5. Mr. Paul CHAN, President of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects (HKILA)

Final Jury Panel

The Final Jury Panel shall select the Winner and 1st runner-up from each category and its compositions are:

  1. Ms HO Wing Yin, Winnie, Secretary for Housing, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Chairman of the Panel)
  2. Mr. HONG Wing Kit, Michael, Assistant Director (Estate Management), Housing Department
  3. Mr. LI Man Wai, Tim, Chief Architect, Housing Department
  4. Mr. Barry WILSON, Past President of Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design (HKIUD)
  5. Mr. Donald CHOI, Past President, The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA)

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee shall review entries of the final round and advise on their technical feasibility.

  1. Mr. Jan LAI, Co-founder, Architecture Commons
  2. Ms. CHEN Siu Ping, Chloe, Senior Architect, Housing Department
  3. Mr. TSE Cheuk Man, Raymond, Senior Maintenance Surveyor, Housing Department
  4. Mr TAM Kwok Hang, Maintenance Surveyor, Housing Department
  5. Mr. FUNG Kwok Fu, Housing Manager, Estate Management Division, Housing Department

Other information

Which of the following sectors does the company/organisation belong to? (You can choose more than one)

“Let’s Go Well-being Chak On” Design Competition Inquiry Form


8 Well-being Concepts

Family & Community Connection

To design an age-friendly environment, particularly for the elderly.To provide environments that cultivate social connections, community engagement, and family bonding.


8 Well-being Concepts

Value-added upstream

To create a favourable environment that enables residents to access social support from service agencies, allowing them to develop their potential and enhance their confidence in upward mobility.


8 Well-being Concepts

Perception & Image

To build a sense of belonging that encourages residents to cherish public facilities and estate environment, cultivating a positive neighbourhood image.


8 Well-being Concepts

Health & Vitality

To create an environment that fosters healthy and active living.


8 Well-being Concepts

Urban Integration

To enhance community mobility and accessibility to transportation networks for urban connectivity.


8 Well-being Concepts

Green Living and Sustainability

To encompass nature, urban green environment and sustainable design.


8 Well-being Concepts


To design an age-friendly environment, particularly for the elderly.


8 Well-being Concepts

Intergenerational & Inclusive Living

To create an inclusive environment to enhance social connections between different ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds.